A History of the First World War

B. H. Liddell Hart

17 July 2014
608 pages


First published in 1930, A History of the First World War is a timeless classic – widely regarded as one of the greatest, most cogent accounts of the conflict ever published.

A leading military strategist and historian who fought on the Western Front, Liddell Hart combines astute tactical analysis with compassion for those who lost their lives on the battlefield. Revered for its profound insight and compelling writing, provides a vivid and fascinating picture of all the major campaigns, balancing documentary evidence with the testimony of personal witnesses to expose the twists and mistakes of WWI’s battles.

He guides you through the war’s political and cultural origins, reveals the intricate strategies at work, analyses the critical decisions that resulted in devastating losses – and uncovers the impact on modern nations.

This magnificent history covers four brutal years in one volume and is a true military classic.

Immensely readable and informative . . . belongs in the possession of anyone interested in what the greatest British military thinker of this century has to say
Liddell Hart makes the complicated scene intelligible to the reader with the minimum of effort, and yet incorporates an apt and telling comments at every turn
The outstanding military historian