How Eskimos Keep Their Babies Warm

Mei-Ling Hopgood

17 January 2013
304 pages


For any parent weary of the so-called 'expert advice' that's peddled in books and on TV, this refreshing read lifts the lid on how other cultures parent their children, with some interesting – and surprising – insights. Mei-Ling Hopgood explores how other cultures approach such issues as bedtime, potty training and squabbles betwen children and offers new perspectives on how to do things. As the author affirms, there is more than one way to raise a child.

This is an inspiring, engaging and fun read – something to dip into and pick up tips from. Each chapter focuses on one particular type of behaviour per culture – such as why children in Buenos Aires go to bed late, how the Chinese toilet train their babies or how Tibetans cherish pregnancy – and all the real-life stories are backed up with interviews and references from experts, as well as the author’s own experiences with her daughter. It proves that there are many ways to be a good parent.