Paula Bowles

Paula Bowles has worked as an illustrator since she graduated from Falmouth University in 2007, and recently relocated from Bristol to Weston-super-Mare.

Paula's latest solo author/illustrator book, Tiny Crab is a Tidy Crab published in 2022, won the Portsmouth Picture Book Award 2023, and she also won the Lancashire School Library Service 'Brilliant book Award 2023' for her young fiction book Marv and the Mega Robot written by Alex Falase-Koya. Marv and the Ultimate Superpower was a World Book Day book in 2024. She has been shortlisted for many more awards, including the Indie Book Awards 2023 and The Alligators Mouth Award 2023. She is also the illustrator of the new 'Mazy the Movie Star' picture book series written by Hollywood star Isla Fisher.

Books by Paula Bowles