Reset, Rebuild, Reignite

Pavlo Phitidis

Age 16 +
01 August 2020


In the face of crisis, change brings opportunity. Discover how to reset, rebuild, and reignite your business to thrive in the new normal.

Crises mean change. And for any business owner, change means opportunity.

There is nothing new about a crisis stalling or wiping out a business. Whether it's the sudden loss of a dominant client, a trade war, burst water pipes halting operations, intransient employees, or a product no longer relevant to the market, the devastating impact on a business is the same.

In Reset, Rebuild, Reignite, the second book from Pavlo Phitidis, his starting point is not how to avoid crises because some are inevitable. Instead, he shows how you can use any crisis to reset your business to get relevant, rebuild it to scale, and reignite it to accelerate growth by capitalising on the change and opportunities that any crisis brings with it.

Filled with stories of business owners who have successfully turned crisis to their advantage, Pavlo's practical, action-oriented insights, tactics, and strategies will equip you with the tools to tackle any crisis affecting your business head-on.