The Finish Line by Gail Schimmel

"I wrote the first half of this book like I was in a fever dream ... I just wrote and wrote and wrote." - Gail Schimmel

Gail Schimmel, author of Little Secrets, is back with a suspense thriller centering around the complexities of friendship, rivalry, and competition.

The Finish Line by Gail Schimmel

by Gail Schimmel

Brenda has always worked hard to fit in – from her school days, when her talent in athletics gave her access to a richer world, to marriage to her soulmate, which bound her to that world.

It’s hard to know how much of her discomfort comes from the ongoing presence of Denver in her life. From the time when they were the two fastest girls in the athletics team, through years of marriage and parenthood, Denver has always offered friendship, worthy competition … and simmering resentment.

When Brenda realises that Denver is a threat to her family’s well-being, there’s nothing she won’t do to protect them. And Denver will do anything to protect herself. After years of rivalry, who will cross the finish line first?