Across the Wall: A Tale of the Abhorsen and Other Stories

Garth Nix

Age 12 +
06 January 2022
352 pages


A spellbinding short story collection from bestselling fantasy author Garth Nix.

Across the Wall brings together thirteen wide-ranging and gripping stories, each showcasing Garth's talent as a versatile writer and introduced by Garth himself.

Whether your jaw drops as you read about Nicholas Sayre taking on a powerful blood-thirsty beast in the story set in the Old Kingdom, Nicholas Sayre and the Creature in the Case, or you howl with laughter as you follow the instructions of the Choose Your Own Adventure parody, Down to the Scum Quarter, it is clear that Garth Nix has a story for every reader.

The collection also features a fascinating bonus section of frequently asked questions for which Garth provides vital answers to his readers' burning queries.
Anyone familiar with Garth Nix's children's trilogy Sabriel, Lirael and Abhorsen will snatch up this anthology... there's a little bit of everything here.
The reader's absorption into the intrigue, magic and dazzling richness of the worlds and characters created by Nix is irresistible pleasure.
Readers of the author's bestselling Abhorsen trilogy will find themselves right at home in this horror/fantasy/mystery...