
Naomi Holdt

Age 16 +
01 September 2023
328 pages


Bounce: How to Raise Resilient Kids and Teens is an easy-to-read, effective guide that can make an immediate difference to your parenting approach and your relationship with your children. Based on years of experience as a parent and a parenting expert, it provides accessible information and advice, thought-provoking exercises and proven techniques. It explores issues that impact us all, including:

• What is resilience?

• Anxiety and depression

• Building resilience in our children by working on our own resilience

• Boundaries and gentle parenting

• Helping children through grief

• Parenting the anxious child

• Tips for divorced parents

• Childhood depression

• Highly sensitive children and resilience.

Bounce will help you tackle this messy and beautiful journey of life and parenting in a very human way.