Oupa Zombie and Grandpa Zombie by Jaco Jacobs
Ontmoet Grandpa Zombie!

Oupa Zombie
Deur Jaco Jacobs
Geïllustreer deur Theodore Key
Alex se oupa het grys hare, dra valstande en kyk graag na reis-programme op TV. Maar op ’n dag raak hy skielik mal oor … BREIIINNNSSS! Dit is duidelik dat Oupa besig is om in ’n zombie te verander. As Alex hom van dr. Zuurman en die zombiepolisie wil red, gaan hy ’n paar briljante planne, goeie vriende en hope broccoli nodig hê. En miskien kan hulle op die koop toe ook hulle droom bewaarheid om die Zambia en Egipte te siene kry!
Met Jacobs se sonderlinge kombinasie van humor en die deernisvolle uitbeelding van gesins- en ander verhoudinge, is dit nie moeilik om te verstaan waarom hy die topverkoper-kinderboekskrywer in Suid-Afrika is nie.
Oupa Zombie
by Jaco Jacobs
Alex se oupa het grys hare, dra valstande en kyk graag na reis-programme op TV. Maar op ’n dag raak hy skielik mal oor … BREIIINNNSSS! Dit is duidelik dat Oupa besig is om in ’n zombie te verander. As Alex hom van dr. Zuurman en die zombiepolisie wil red, gaan hy ’n paar briljante planne, goeie vriende en hope broccoli nodig hê. En miskien kan hulle op die koop toe ook hulle droom bewaarheid om die Zambia en Egipte te siene kry!
Met Jacobs se sonderlinge kombinasie van humor en die deernisvolle uitbeelding van gesins- en ander verhoudinge, is dit nie moeilik om te verstaan waarom hy die topverkoper-kinderboekskrywer in Suid-Afrika is nie.
Grandpa Zombie
By Jaco Jacobs
Illustrated by Theodore Key
Alex’s grandpa has grey hair and false teeth and he loves watching travel shows on television. But then he suddenly develops an interest in … BRAIIINNNSSS!
Grandpa is turning into a zombie and if Alex wants to rescue him before the Zombie Squad shows up, he’ll need to come up with a plan (and heaps of broccoli). Their travels to find a cure takes them across Africa – from Zambia to Egypt – and along the way they meet a range of interesting and wonderful characters.
Top selling children’s books author Jacobs uses his characteristic combination of humour and the compassionate portrayal of relationships between family and friends to create yet another bestseller in the making.
Grandpa Zombie
by Jaco Jacobs
Alex’s grandpa has grey hair and false teeth and he loves watching travel shows on television. But then he suddenly develops an interest in … BRAIIINNNSSS!
Grandpa is turning into a zombie and if Alex wants to rescue him before the Zombie Squad shows up, he’ll need to come up with a plan (and heaps of broccoli). Their travels to find a cure takes them across Africa – from Zambia to Egypt – and along the way they meet a range of interesting and wonderful characters.
Top selling children’s books author Jacobs uses his characteristic combination of humour and the compassionate portrayal of relationships between family and friends to create yet another bestseller in the making.