Meet our authors at Kingsmead Book Fair 2019
Kingsmead College is hosting its eighth annual book fair, under the theme “Read and Rise.”

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to meet and engage with Pan Macmillan authors. The book fair promises interesting discussions, heated debates and in-depth dialogues.
Visit our events page for Pan author sessions with:
- Sue Nyathi (The Gold Diggers)
- Mohale Mashigo (Intruders)
- Rekgotsofetse Chikane (Breaking a Rainbow, Building a Nation)
- Vanessa Raphaely (Plus One)
- Francoise Malby Anthony (An Elephant in my Kitchen)
- Tony Park (Scent of Fear)
- Rebecca Davis (Self Helpless – A Cynic’s Search for Sanity)
- Khaya Dlanga (These Things Really Do Happen to Me)
- Iman Rapetti (Becoming Iman)
- Luke Alfred (Vuvuzela Dawn)
- Gail Schimmel (The Accident)
- Fiona Snyckers (Lacuna)
- Mandy Wiener (The Ministry of Crime)
Entrance tickets: R70 | Session tickets: R60 each
Children’s Programme is included in the entrance fee
Find the full programme and get your ticket here.
We're also proud to present two of our favourite local children’s book authors at this year’s book fair.
Join Refiloe Moahloli, author of How Many Ways Can You Say Hello and Tullula, for an action-packed reading of her new picture book: Yes Yanga! With vibrant illustrations by Mogau Kekana and a glossary at the back this proudly South African story will delight young sport lovers and their parents as they watch Yanga’s rise from 3 Tins champion to Protea cricketer.
Budding authors between the ages of 12-14 should head over to the Teen Studio Library for a writing workshop with international award-winning Fantasy author, Hayley Chewins. Join Hayley to learn all about weaving magic into your words and creating worlds readers just can’t get enough of. Be sure to pick up her incredible debut novel The Turnaway Girls for even more poetic inspiration.
The Accident
by Gail Schimmel
Twenty-six years is a long time not to be alive.
Since The Accident that ruined her life, Catherine has lived on autopilot, going through the motions of work and motherhood without being fully present. Trying to fill the gap, her adult daughter, Julia, is looking for love in all the wrong places, and wreaking havoc on the lives that she touches along the way.
Just what will it take to shock Catherine back into life?
Plus One
by Vanessa Raphaely
As deputy editor of the glamorous FILLE magazine in London, Lisa Lassiter had almost passed up the chance of a weekend on a billionaire’s yacht off the coast of Mykonos. But her best friend Claudia Hemmingway, on her way to becoming one of the hottest movie stars on the planet, could be very persuasive when she wanted something. Not only would they get there by private jet, she’d told Lisa, they would also get to rub shoulders with VIP guests – not least a famous Hollywood film producer. It would be a weekend of fun, sunshine, champagne and partying.
And it was all of those things. Until it wasn’t.
Lisa has spent ten years trying to get past that weekend. If she has learnt anything, it is that unfinished business and secrets always work their way to the surface. Moving on is one thing; forgetting is another, and forgiving … well, where to start?
by Tony Park
A very eager – and rather naive – Australian lawyer, Kerry Maxwell, flies into South Africa to volunteer at a wildlife orphanage run by notorious vet Graham Baird.
Graham is as jaded and reckless as Kerry is law-abiding and optimistic. When Kerry arrives at the animal sanctuary it’s to the news that Graham is imprisoned in Mozambique following a shootout with elephant poachers. In the gunfight he killed the brother of corrupt politician and poaching kingpin Fidel Costa. Kerry’s earnest sense of justice takes her to Massingir to help Graham with his case, and into a world of danger. Kidnapped, chased, attacked and betrayed, Kerry learns the bitter truth about the complexities and deadly nature of the war on poaching. Even the motivations of well-meaning charities, wealthy donors and private zoos are not all they appear. Kerry’s perilous entanglement may be what Graham needs to shake off his drunken cynicism and rejoin the fight for Africa’s animals, but is it enough, and in time, to stop Costa’s quest for revenge...
Breaking a Rainbow, Building a Nation
by Rekgotsofetse Chikane
Breaking a Rainbow, Building a Nation is a first-hand account of the university protests that gripped South Africa between 2015 and 2017, widely better known as the #FeesMustFall. Chikane outlines the nature of student politics in the country before, during and after the emergence of #MustFall politics, exploring the political dynamics that informed and drove the student protests, and the effect that these #MustFall movements have had on the nature of youth politics in the country.
Chikane looks at how the current nature of youth politics is different from previous youth upheavals that have defined South Africa, specifically due to the fact that the protests were being led by so-called coconuts, who are part of the black elite.
Breaking a Rainbow, Building a Nation poses the provocative question, can coconuts be trusted with the revolution?
The GoldDiggers
by Sue Nyathi
It’s 2008 and the height of Zimbabwe’s economic demise. A group of passengers is huddled in a Toyota Quantum about to embark on a treacherous expedition to the City of Gold. Amongst them is Gugulethu, who is hoping to be reconciled with her mother; Dumisani, an ambitious young man who believes he will strike it rich, Chamunorwa and Chenai, twins running from their troubled past; and Portia and Nkosi, a mother and son desperate to be reunited with a husband and father they see once a year.
They have paid a high price for the dangerous passage to what they believe is a better life; an escape from the vicious vagaries of their present life in Bulawayo. In their minds, the streets of Johannesburg are paved with gold but they will have to dig deep to get close to any gold, dirtying themselves in the process.
Told with brave honesty and bold description, the stories of the individual immigrants are simultaneously heart-breaking and heart-warming.
Becoming Iman
by Iman Rappetti
Iman Rappetti is an award-winning journalist who has been involved in print, radio and television. She worked as a young journalist in South Africa and then abandoned it (along with all her worldly possessions) when she became Muslim.
She lived in the Islamic Republic of Iran for two years, where she also worked on a current affairs TV show for the state broadcaster before returning to South Africa and resuming her life here. She describes herself as ‘the youngest of five children. One Rasatafarian brother (passed away), one ex-con brother (who can dance the pants off any woman and has a wicked sense of humour), another brother who’s a big shot in the marine engineering industry (he makes a mean curry), and a sister who has the thankless task of staying at home and raising the rugrats (she has a way with words, and also makes a kick-ass briyani)’. In this moving and entertaining memoir, Iman shares stories and what she has learned from her colourful journey through life.
by Mohale Mashigo
Orphan sisters chase monsters of urban legend in Bloemfontein. At a busy taxi rank, a woman kills a man with her shoe. A genomicist is accused of playing God when she creates a fatherless child. Intruders is a collection that explores how it feels not to belong. These are stories of unremarkable people thrust into extraordinary situations by events beyond their control.
With a unique and memorable touch, Mohale Mashigo explores the everyday ills we live with and wrestle constantly, all the while allowing hidden energies to emerge and play out their unforeseen consequences.
Intruders is speculative fiction at its best.
These Things Really do Happen to Me
by Khaya Dlanga
Some people know Khaya Dlanga as a highly regarded marketing professional, who has worked for several advertising agencies and global-chip companies, but most people know Khaya as a collector and teller of stories. From his early vlogs to his lively discussions on various social media platforms, Khaya’s words have shown us how we all have stories to share and how stories can bring people together.
In These Things Really Do Happen To Me, Khaya describes everyday experiences that have shaped his life. He recounts amusing anecdotes – from chasing horses as a child in rural Transkei, to the time he fell asleep next to President Thabo Mbeki – as well as moving stories, such as meeting his sister for the first time and only time. Not one to shy away from heavyweight topics, Khaya also shares why conversations about race are not controversial, what his feelings on feminism are, why we must bring back small talk, and how to take a sneaky break when your family is working you too hard.
by Rebecca Davis
Everywhere Rebecca Davis looked, the world was in poor shape. And because she’d quit drinking, she no longer had the comfort blanket of alcohol to tamp down her anxiety. How did sober people stay sane?
In recent times, the self-help industry has exploded into a multi-billion dollar global industry – and along with it has come every imaginable type of therapy, healing or general woo-woo. In the past, Rebecca scoffed at this industry, mocking its reliance on half-baked science and the way it appears to prey on the mentally fragile.
But as she searched for a meaning of life that did not involve booze, she found it increasingly hard to rationalize her default scepticism. This shit really seems to work for some people, she reasoned. And it’s not like I have any particularly solid alternatives.
Rebecca lives in Cape Town, the undisputed epicentre of ‘alternative’ paths to peace and enlightenment in South Africa. She decided that over the course of a year, she would embark on a quest for personal wellness, spiritual enlightenment and good old-fashioned happiness. She was willing, within reason, to try anything. She would open herself to even the most outlandish contemporary fads in self-improvement.
What followed was a twelve-month immersion in the world of auras, chakras, hallucinogenic drugs, sweat lodges, sangomas, past lives and more.
And by the end of it? Maybe she would find some new ways of thinking and living. Or maybe she would emerge with her prejudices untouched. Either way, it would be a good story.
The White Room
by Craig Higginson
South African playwright Hannah Meade arrives in London for the opening night of her new play. She has arranged to meet Pierre, the student she was in love with when she taught English in Paris. During their time together, they lied their way towards truths they were too young and inexperienced to endure. Perhaps this time they will have a second chance.
As the reader is drawn from contemporary London back to Paris on the eve of the war in Iraq, the mystery of past events is brought to vivid life in a series of dramatic, intriguing and deeply moving encounters. Written in layered, stark prose, The White Room lays bare many of our assumptions about language, identity, memory, loss and love.