Love Is...

Lily Murray

Illustrated by Sarah Maycock

Age 7 +

2021 Winner

ALCS Educational Writers' Award

04 January 2024
48 pages


Love may feel proud like a peacock, on display for the world to see . . . But it may also sing a softer song that goes unheard to those who are not listening.

There are many ways that we can feel and give love. Told through a collection of beautiful animal similes, Love Is... looks at love in all its beauty. Sublime illustrations explore themes such as self-love, a parent's love for a new baby, the bond between siblings, friendship, fighting for what you believe in and missing someone who's no longer there.

Following on from Sarah Maycock's award-winning Sometimes I Feel..., this picture book perfectly captures the many facets of love in just a few swoops of ink.
Murray and Maycock's celebration of love, told through a gorgeous selection of animal illustrations.
Maycock's expressive and tender illustrations perfectly capture each emotion with just a few swoops of ink, adding extra power to Murray's carefully crafted words. Verbal and visual perfection in one stunning book!